Thursday, 7 July 2022

Vintage Textiles 

For our meeting today, we all brought along vintage clothes in our collections. We had intended to bring our wedding dresses, but not all of us had them or could find them.
It was an inspiring session.
Here are photographs of all of the exhibits.
This was probably the oldest textile. 
Ayreshire embroidered baby's bonnet 1730-1740?

Linda's wedding clothes

Rose has created this runner from damaged tea cloths
& handkerchiefs

Looking closely at some of the treasures

LIz'z wedding dress , which she made, with mop cap.
She still has the pattern!

In centre, a beautiful beaded 1920's top.
Liz's daughter has worn this.
The pink dress was worn by her mother when she was a bridesmaid.

This beautifully smocked dress was hand made by Angela's mother.
Delightful pocket attached for her hanky!

Carols wedding dress

Carol's relations medals.

A beautiful hand crocheted shawl
It was crocheted by Sue's great grandmother for the first baby of her only daughter in the 1930's. The baby was stillborn & the shawl never used.
When Sue's brother was born in 1972, his birth day was within a day or two of the birthday of her great aunts child & she gave the shawl to Sue's mum for the baptism. She wanted it to be used & Sue's two daughters were also baptised in it.

An amazing sampler which Jenny saved from the rubbish.

A wonderful case of needles brought in by Susan.

Some of the smaller items brought in.

A gorgeous sewing case belonging to Susan.

Joan brought these Chinese textiles in for us to look at.
They had been brought back by a naval member of her family.

Liz bought this wonderful grandmothers garden quilt for about £10
It is not backed, but sadly no papers in the back.
Jan's wedding veil, bouquet & tiara

Jane brought in this beautifully embellished jacket.

Joan brought in this delightful pair of divided drawers!

Liz brought in this beautiful baby's christening robe.

Jan bought the victorian Christening gown for her first born.
She made the bonnet to match and edged it with hand made
 Bucks Point Bobbin lace, which she made.
On the right is a silk baby's jacket, edged with machine made lace,
& a crocheted ladies camisole top.

We so enjoyed the day that we hope to add a similar session in next years programme.

Sunday, 5 December 2021


 An interesting year yet again! 

Zoom meetings until we were able to meet in members gardens. What a treat.

June - we visited Jenny's garden - beautiful

August - we met in Rose's garden - glorious

September -  we had a real teacher, albeit by zoom. Amanda Hislop kindly developed a workshop which involved us watching and listening in the morning then having a go. Meeting up a short while later,  to show developments, discuss our progress & to view her sketchbooks..

October - A real meeting - great to get together to see what we had been  working on.

November - Yet again a real meeting - lots of wonderful work to look at.

December - AGM - time to exchange the Christmas cards and here they are.....

The final card needs 3 photos.. the envelope, the card & then its surprise inside!

A Merry Christmas 
and a 
Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

Friday, 16 July 2021

COVID  Christmas Cards 2020

From 2nd March we met on zoom throughout 2020. 

These cards arrived by Royal Mail, rather than at our Christmas AGM meeting.

The final card , a mask,  is a reminder of 2020 & 2021.

Monday, 20 January 2020


We always exchange one hand made card each year!

Fimbria was set up in 1994

Members at the AGM December 2019

front row from left

Val, Kathy, Joan, Maureen, Rose

back row from left

Angela, Jenny, Carole, Denise, Linda, 

Jane, Sue, Liz, Gill, Jan


We always have a short workshop at our AGM & Christmas Lunch.
Gill showed us how to make folded star brooches.

She produced wonderful instructions for us all.

These are our folded star brooches!